Unlimited Fashion

  • Cocktail & Eveningwear | Dresses | Garments | Jackets & Blazers | Menswear | Shirts | Shorts | Suits | Sweatshirts | T-shirts and Tops | Womenswear
Contact Details
Company Profile
Date Established
Type of Company
Royal Chartered Companies
About Unlimited Fashion

Unlimited Fashion is a family owned company born in the 1960s from a love of tailoring and a passion for clothing. All our clothing is carefully crafted with quality sewn in every stitch.
We provide exceptional service to all our clients, from start-up brands to Prestigious Designers, from sampling to production, ranging from one-off pieces to high-end collections.
We produce collections to showcase at London Fashion Week and London Collections Men each year, which trade in high end stores such as Harrods, Selfridges and Liberty.

Sweatshirts, T-shirts, dresses, shorts, blouses, formal wear, shirts, jackets & blazers, coats, trousers
Weekly Production
750 units
Machinery & Equipment
20ft cutting table 4 thread x 3 , 5 thread x 3, straight machine x 14, baby overlock, coverstitch, skirt/trouser buttonhole, reece buttonhole, blind stitch machine, eyelet/snap/stud machine x 2, fusing machine, iron pressing unit x 4