Company Profile
Date Established
Type of Company
Private Company (or Private Limited Company)
About MIG Pattern Cutting Services
We provide a number of services to international clients, including Lectra grading, Gerber grading and marker making. Our main services include; pattern cutting, grading and marker making for the clothing, garment and sewn products industry.
Grading patterns to specification, advising on grading specifications for mens, womens and childrenswear; preparing markers for 'costing purposes'l preparing full production markers based upon factory specific criteria, i.e. table / lay lengths, CnC cutter capability, block / matching to incorporate full completion of size / colour / quantity requirements in an efficient manner; converting files between software systems for compatibility with remote production locations (full 'switching' available between LECTRA, GERBER, INVESTRONICA, POLYNEST, PAD, MICRODYNAMICS and CYBRID SOFTWARE SYSTEMS).
Minimum Order
Available on request
Weekly Production
Available on request
Machinery & Equipment
CNC card cutters and plotters using CAD software from Adobe ,Assyst, Gemini ,Gerber, Investronica,Lectra ,Optitex ,Pad, Polygon, Vetigraph (Service Providers)
Works With
Our clients vary from major International manufacturers & retaiilers, through independants to designers and brands.